PalatePicks LogoAbout PalatePicks
Our MissionPalatePicks is a web application that aims to help students find the best food establishments around the Taft area and soon all over Metro Manila. It is a platform where students can share their experiences and reviews about the food establishments they have visited. PalatePicks also aims to help food establishments improve their services by providing them with feedback from their customers.
DisclaimerPalatePicks is a web application for CCAPDEV class at De La Salle University that is created solely for educational purposes and serves as a simulated platform designed as part of a school project. All reviews, ratings, and opinions displayed on the website are entirely fictional and do not reflect the real experiences or sentiments of any individuals or establishments.
DevelopmentThis web application is developed by CCAPDEV S13 Group 3 composed of the following members:
John Kovie NiñoWesly SamsonRafael Antonio AustriaReign Elaiza Larraquel
Main StackThe following technologies were used in the development of this web application:
NuxtJSWeb FrameworkTailwind CSSCSS FrameworkSupabaseDatabase
NPM PackagesThe following NPM packages were used in the development of this web application:
Open SourceThis web application is open source and is available on GitHub.